Hier können Nutzungstyp, sowie Potenzialuntergrenze, gewählt werden

Solarenergieetrag verschiedener Freiraumtypen in Wien und Korneuburg!

BezNr. '0' ist Korneuburg

Top use the AR files you need the following:

  1. AR Mediaplayer:
  2. AR MEDIA PALYER download!
  3. Second print out the marker
  4. AR Marker download!
  5. The AR file created by SynENergy
  6. Click here to download!

Top use the AR files you need the following:

  1. AR Mediaplayer:
  2. AR MEDIA PALYER download!
  3. Second print out the marker
  4. AR Marker download!
  5. The AR file created by SynENergy
  6. Click here to download!

Top use the AR files you need the following:

  1. AR Mediaplayer:
  2. AR MEDIA PALYER download!
  3. Second print out the marker
  4. AR Marker download!
  5. The AR file created by SynENergy
  6. Click here to download!