Participatory Citizen Dialogue Platform
Demonstration of project smarticipate’s web-platform
Project smarticipate’s aim is to develop a web-platform which can be used as a participatory citizen dialogue system, meaning it should provide a means of e.g. transforming OGD into new forms of transparency during planning processes within a city. The platform should be flexible and generic in order to provide the basis for all kinds of different topics to be tackled within a city. In this way, the citizens should be enabled to share their ideas in the decision making process. As a consequence, they get full access to the public open data of their cities and can give feedback on neighbourhood-related and citywide ideas. The platform allows governments, NGOs, businesses and citizens alike to configure their own topics. As a result, the citizens are empowered to play an active role in the public domain.
E-Mail to Project Contact: Jan Peters-Anders
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Project smarticipate

Project smarticipate has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 2016 – 2019 under grant agreement No 693729.
Research Team: Jan Peters-Anders