by Serjoscha Duering | May 5, 2022 | Co-Design, Design Exploration, Projects, Urban Analysis, Urban Simulation
Visualization and Data Analysis A design is only as good as its communication. We develop tailor-made solutions for visualizing and communicating design scenarios and simulation results. From interactive web-based dashboards to VR and AR apps our models are designed...
by Serjoscha Duering | May 2, 2022 | Design Exploration, News, Urban Analysis, Urban Simulation
Conference Paper: The Optimisation of High-Rises in Vienna Last week we presented a new conference paper at CAADRIA 2022 (International Conference for The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia) in Sydney. In the paper we outline a...
by Theresa Fink | Jan 7, 2019 | Urban Analysis, Urban Simulation
City Network Analysis Core of this module is a weighted network model that can be set up for different transportation modes (eg. car, transit, bike/pedestrian). Next to the street network itself additional spatial data can be fed as inputs such as...
by Theresa Fink | Jan 3, 2019 | Urban Analysis, Urban Simulation
Urban Simulation The aim of these analyses is to understand the impact of different geometries on human use. Accessibility studies are carried out to create a path network that allows the ways of daily use in an efficient way. The visibility and visual integration...
by Angelos Chronis | May 29, 2018 | Urban Analysis
Public Transport Accessibility Vienna Public Transport The module makes use of existing data on public transport routes, which is openly available from Wiener Linien. However user can easily modify the dataset using CAD-like interface to explore new scenarios, such as...
by Jan Peters-Anders | May 25, 2018 | Urban Analysis, Urban Simulation
CiQuSo City Quarters with optimised solar hybrid heating and cooling systems E-Mail to Project Contact: Jan Peters-Anders Research Team: Jan...